On Continuity and Identity
ruimtelijk onrecht - culturele ontkenning - wantrouwen
-Nubiërs in Egypte, strijden al meer dan 50 jaar voor gelijke rechten en erkenning.-
"Ruimtelijk onrecht veroorzaakt door onvrijwillige hervestiging."
"De Nubische kwestie gaat dus om veel meer dan alleen land of andere materiële zaken, het gaat om culturele erkenning en respect."
Dromen van de Egyptische troon
"Heel lang werden Nubische vorsten door egyptologen en historici afgedaan als bezetters, zwarte overheersers. Pas de afgelopen decennia kantelde dit beeld."
Eat Love Budapest
"When finishing the experience the participant will never know who he was fed by. The more abstract connection can be made; everybody has a story behind him or her."
Afrikaans Egypte wil zijn eigen lente
Learning from Nubian Spaces
Nubian Women in post-revolution Egypt
"Among Nubian women, gold is a major status symbol and an indicator of wealth. On her wedding night, this bride receives an abundant amount of gold earrings, pendants and bracelets. Ideally, the most amount of gold should come from the groom's family. Gold is the most prized object of exchange in Nubia, which itself is derived from the ancient word ″nebu″ meaning gold."
"Nubians have a largely agricultural society. This fact, coupled with the largely disproportionate number of women to men, has led to the continuation of the matrilineal society. Relations are strongest on the side of the mother; some families go so far as to have the son take on the name of his mother."
Role of Women in Nubia
nog te lezen
"Some of Nubians traditions have disappeared as result there is no river Nile in modern Nuba because most of the Nubian traditions revolved around the river Nile in birth, marriage and even in death but Some of the old Nubian traditions are still remaining in the modern Nubian life."
Old Nubian traditions
Architecture for the poor
- Hassan Fathy
Marriages of Nubian Women
"Fatima Imam, a human rights activist and researcher, told Al-Monitor that the status of women has declined in Nubian society. They used to have a very secure status since they managed the economy. She expressed sadness that the society has become more male-dominated, a result of the anti-women sentiments and discrimination that has developed in Egypt."
Glorie langs de Nijl
"Nubië met zijn grote goudvoorraden, was al sinds de dagen van de Eerste Dynastie rond 3000 v. Chr een belangrijk doelwit van de "koningen."
Masterproef ------------------ Chelsey Watthy ----------------- Master in de Interieurarchitectuur ----------------- academiejaar 2020-2021
Meer dan 100 jaar ontheemding en vervreemding in Nubië
"Het recht op terugkeer van de Nubiërs wordt al decennialang bewust genegeerd door de Egyptische politiek."
Law and Culture Conformity
"Law and culture are intimately intertwined. Frequently (or even ultimately), laws are based on and in culture, and culture is influenced by law. Both play a major role in social organisation and political structure, and both impact substantially on women."
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